On the ice-covered planet Andoria, settlements are underground, heated by geothermal energy and connected by tunnels thousands of kilometers long. Geshev’s clan became a source of cheap weapons and slaves, feeding the tiny fires that flared up regularly in the surrounding lands, and Geshev grew powerful, riding a wave of death and misery. She brokered peace on the site of The Plaza of Freedom in Andoria's capital city. Its a good solid ship, it can fight in the line, or flanks, its manoeuvrable, and has excellent weapon upgrades for long ranged combat.The Greater-Scope Villain of the Star Trek universe, the Borg are a collection of species that have been robotocized into mindless drones by the Collective. If you inflict a critical damage you may search the deck for either a munitions failure, or weapons malfunction, reducing the amount of return fire available. Again its range 1-3, requires a target lock and 3 time tokens to recharge. The other weapon is the attack 5 advanced weaponry. Its attack 4, range 1-3 and only has 2 time tokens, so its a boost over your primary weapons, does not use your target lock, and is good long range firepower as you close the distance. He is skill 6, and his ability is innate and each time you take an evade or scan action a friendly ship within range 1 also gets the appropriate one as a free action, though at the cost of an auxiliary power token by your ship, so he's great for formation flying.įor Weapon upgrades we have the particle cannon array.

She is a fairly nimble ship, with good stats too.įor Captain we have Thy'Lek Shran.

she lets you take a scan or evade action even whilst you have an auxiliary power, which is great as you do not have to worry too much about your actions after a red move. Lets take a closer look and see what she can do.